Last Updated on June 21, 2014
Mold and mildew are among the things you don’t want in your house whatsoever. Not only that they can ruin the image of your property and deteriorate your living conditions, but these impurities can also greatly affect the health of all your family members in the long run. Luckily, you can get rid of mold and mildew using a few cleaning solutions such as the following ones.
Hydrogen peroxide
This solution can work wonders if you have a lot of mold and mildew in your house. Make sure that you use a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and you spray it over the dirty areas in your property. Let it stay there for about 10 minutes then wipe everything with clean towels. Also, make sure that you remove the excess moisture because it can make the mold and mildew appear again. Hydrogen peroxide can safely be used on floors, clothes, walls and different types of appliances.
You should find a product that contains clear ammonia and use it in order to get rid of mold and mildew in your house. Just mix one part ammonia with one part water and spray this solution on dirty surfaces. Clean everything afterwards with towels and repeat the process again if it is necessary. Also, it is very important to remember to never mix ammonia with bleach as this solution can be very toxic for you.
Baking soda
This is a very useful product in any household and it can also be used in order to get rid of stains and impurities such as mold and mildew. You can apply baking soda directly on moldy surfaces, wait a couple of minutes then scrub everything with a clean bit of cloth. This cleaning product is excellent for dirty bathroom tiles, kitchen floors, etc. Also, baking soda will not only remove mold and mildew from your house, but it will also get rid of nasty and unpleasant odors as well.
Another excellent cleaning product you can use against mold and mildew is vinegar. You can apply this solution on non-porous surfaces such as tiles and use a brush in order to efficiently remove all the stains and impurities. White or apple cider vinegars are perfect for this job and it can successfully remove small and medium mold and mildew stains. After you have cleaned the dirty surfaces with vinegar, make sure that you dry those areas completely.
Bleach and warm water
The last cleaning solution in our list is a mixture from bleach and warm water. It is safe to mix one cup of bleach with one gallon of warm water and use it in order to get rid of all the dirty spots, mold and mildew and other impurities from your property. You should also use a brush in order to attack the most stubborn stains. After you have cleaned moldy surfaces using this mixture, dry those areas and mold will not reappear in your house.
Also, if you are dealing with very serious mold and mildew problems, it is safe to let a professional handle the cleaning process. Give us a call today and we will remove all the mold and mildew in your house for an affordable price.
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