Top Factors That Pet Owners Should Keep In Mind When It Comes To Mold Remediation

Having too much mold in your home is known to have many negative health implications. However, the one thing that many people tend to forget is that this is not only limited to human beings. If you happen to have pets in the home, you should remember that they are also likely to be affected […]
Bathroom Mold and Mildew
Bathroom Mold and Maintenance It’s time to chat about bathrooms again. One of the easiest rooms to grow mold and one of the easiest rooms to prevent mold. Typical areas in the bathroom for mold growth. On the grout between ceramic tiles. On the caulking around the tub, shower and sink Toilet tank bowels On […]
4 Tips That Will Keep You From Buying Or Moving Into A House With Mold

The prospect of moving into a new home usually entices, especially if it is better than your old one. Mold, however, is a serious problem that may make this prospect more stressful than it really has to be. In order to commit to a house that is free from mold, here are four impressively simple […]
Why Spraying Mold Is Actually A Very Bad Idea

Mold is likely to stain your walls and leave your home with an unpleasant look as well as a distinct odor that probably will make you very uncomfortable. This means that you must find a way to get rid of it as soon as you spot it. Mold also causes a number of respiratory, skin […]
Why Buying A New Home Is Not An Automatic Fix For Your Mold Related Concerns

Buying a new home is often an exciting endeavor, although this greatly depends on why you are buying it. If you are buying a new home because you have concerns about mold in an old home, there are a number of truths that you probably don’t know. And the most important one is that even […]
Black Mold: Can Stachybotrys Chartarum Affect Your Pregnancy

Black mold is also called Stachybotrys chartarum or toxic black mold. Just like the name suggests, black mold can cause toxicity problems to your health and even worse when you are pregnant. As you are fully aware, poor health poses more risk to your unborn baby than to you. Therefore, it is very important to […]
Does The Homeowner’s Insurance Cover Mold Remediation Services?

Mold infection is a source of very dangerous diseases that can cost you a lot, which you may not be able to bear on your own. This is especially because health is very expensive. Still, there more costs involved in mold remediation so as to make sure that your home is safe and free of […]
Could Your Health Symptoms Be Caused By Exposure To Toxic Mold?

Mold infection in your house can be as a result of several factors such as dampness or poor house cleaning methods especially in the enclosed areas. Molds can be a source of very toxic diseases that you may not be aware of, like immune suppression, lashes on the skin, respiratory problems. Here are ways to […]
What Makes DIY Mold Testing A Bad Idea?

Many of us will always back out of an endeavour because of the cost that comes with it. Whether you are building or renovating a home or purchasing a new appliance, you will always have second thoughts with the price that it will mean to you. For that matter, we tend to just sacrifice the […]
What Are The Effects Of Molds On Pregnancy?

It is a common knowledge that molds pose a threat to human health, particularly respiratory and alimentary functions in children and adults alike. Pregnant women are not excluded from this scientifically proven data. True to its claims, pregnant mothers are very susceptible to the ill effects of molds in the environment because of their delicate […]