5 Ways To Eliminate Asbestos From Your Home

Being exposed to asbestos can be detrimental to one’s health and one of the negative effects that it brings, is the illness called mesothelioma. This is an illness that comes about when one allows asbestos dust to enter his or her lungs through their respiratory process; causing scars to form all over their lungs. Asbestos […]

5 Cleaning Solutions That Can Help You Get Rid Of Mold And Mildew

Mold and mildew are among the things you don’t want in your house whatsoever. Not only that they can ruin the image of your property and deteriorate your living conditions, but these impurities can also greatly affect the health of all your family members in the long run. Luckily, you can get rid of mold […]

How To Keep Mold Away From Your Baby’s Room

You would not want mold to grow in your home not just because it is unsightly but it is also dangerous to your family’s health. It can cause breathing problems as well as skin irritations. The ones that are most in danger are the youngest family members in your household. So if you have a […]

5 Things That Mold Needs To Survive

Mold is a type of fungus that you would not want in your home. It appears in various colors often in black, blue, or green. Exposure to mold can cause various health concerns including allergies and breathing problems. It is important for any growing mold in your home to be removed. In order to deal […]

A Simple Guide To A Mold Free And Healthy Bathroom

Very few places in your home provide the perfect breeding ground for mold than the bathroom. These microscopic organisms love warm and wet places. Where else to find this environment than in a bathroom especially if it has no window as is usually the case. In their mild form, they are usually orange or pink […]

Not All Black Staining Is Mold!

To start with, molds come in different color that includes black, blue-green, white, yellow and green. In this article, we are going to concentrate more in black colored mold types. People fear black molds due to the associated health risks they pose. Some families even demolish buildings suspected to be black mold manifested. In the […]

Radon, Mold Spores And Carbon Monoxide Are Deadly Air Pollutants!

There are all sorts of deadly air pollutants that can find their way into sealed spaces at home. Unfortunately, these pollutants go unnoticed until it is too late. Some of the common air pollutants are such as carbon monoxide, radon, mold spores and the likes, are all very deadly when left in a sealed space […]

We Should Learn To Improve The Indoor Air Quality!

Most people spend a large percentage of their time indoors and this means that they are constantly exposed to indoor air pollution. Many newer homes are designed with energy efficiency and enhanced insulation in mind and this usually means that there is very little exchange of air between the indoor and outdoor. Many doors and […]

Are You Dealing With Attic Mold Problems?

One area of the home where you are most likely to find mold is the attic. This space is usually difficult to access and there are many crawl spaces where mold can thrive. Attic mold removal is usually the most difficult and costly mold removal project because of the restricted space and it usually requires […]

Homebuyer Alert! 3 Crucial Checks Your Home Inspector May Not Make

The consequences of buying a home without having it inspected can be devastating. You should always pay for an inspection from a reputable, independent home inspector. Even with an experienced professional on your side however, you aren’t out of the woods just yet. Many homebuyers pay for an inspection only to discover serious problems when […]