Why You Should Be Worried About Mold In Your Home If You Have Young Kids

Indoor molds are pathogens that are more important than many people think. It therefore makes a lot of sense for one to try and get rid of them as much as possible. A very important part of this is when you have children in the house. Most kids are susceptible to harm by such molds, […]

When Do You Need To Get Infrared Thermal Imaging Services?

Ensuring that you have a comfortable home is more than just renovating or enhancing the décor. When you want to ensure that your home is in the best condition, you need comprehensive home inspection. One of the most common problems that affect homes is the issue of mold. Mold will not only lead to health […]

Winning The Fight Against Mold In Your Home

Mold is around us in different forms and with over 250 species out there, you can find it everywhere in the environment. Most of the mold species are harmless and some can even be beneficial but there are those that are harmful. Mold is basically microscopic fungi that grow rapidly and are highly adaptive, producing […]

6 Common Myths About Asthma You Should Understand About

Asthma is one of the most common chronic inflammatory diseases and a lot of people suffer from it. An estimated number of twenty-three million adults have asthma. It does not only affect adults. In fact, more than nine million children suffer from asthma before they even finish their adolescent period.  What is troubling is that […]

What Do You Know About Indoor Air Pollution?

There is always that tendency to relate the term ‘air pollution’ to the outdoor air quality. People know how outdoor air could be polluted easily.  Factors such as the burning of the fossil fuels, the emission of smoke from manufacturing establishments, and the presence of various types of chemicals could all cause the outdoor air […]

Easy Tips To Keep Your Bathroom Mold-Free

Mold is one of the most common problems that homeowners have to face. The issue of mold is especially prevalent in the bathroom because the space is often damp and in many cases, the ventilation is not adequate. Dealing with the issue of mold before it gets out of hand is the best way to […]

Mold Removal Services in Toronto

If you are in need of mold removal services in the Toronto area, it will be important that you take the time to look into some of the options which you are going to have. There are going to be quite a few of these businesses and it will be imperative that you take the […]

Mold Inspection in Toronto

Anyone who is looking to buy a house and has their eye on one in particular will need to look for the right mold inspector to come in and have a look around. The last thing you will want when buying a new home is to deal with mold problems, so you will therefore want […]

Toronto Mold Inspection Services

Before you purchase a home it will be important that you get the one you are interested in buying inspected for mold. This is one of the most common problems that sellers love to hide, because it is a very big deal and can be costly to get rid of. There are going to be […]

Mold Removal – A Few Helpful Tips

Getting rid of mold might seem like a very complicated procedure that would take many hours of hard work to complete, but the reality is that it is a lot easier to get done than you might have thought in the beginning. To achieve proper mold removal, however, you might find it preferable to hire […]