Preventing Mold Growth In Your Home
Mold removal is something that is not as easy as it sounds. It takes something more than a bathroom cleaner or bleach to clean the infected area from this wrath. The worst part about household mold is that it is not only limited to bathroom and basements. It can also grow inside the walls, in […]
I Bet You Didn’t Know All The Different Types Of Mold Found In Homes!
There are different types of mold that found in homes that many homeowners do not know about. They can pose different health problems to the individuals. The experts are of the view that there are almost hundred different kinds of mold that can be present in a home. Some of the most common ones are […]
Understanding The Five Levels Of Mold Remediation
No of Mold remediation levels – 5 (five) Generally, the experts divide mold remediation under five broad levels. The level one is considered as the least contaminated one while the fourth level is the most contaminated level. Level five is about air conditioning systems and HVAC. The worst thing about mold attack is that the […]
What Is The Right Time For Mold Inspection?
Mold can really be a menace in a home especially because it causes chronic diseases that people often suffer from. Asthma, allergies and respiratory complaints are some of the common problems people suffer due to mold. The question is do you think that mold is thriving somewhere in your house? What are the signs that […]
Mold Is On The Rise: Tips To Curb Trouble In Your House
Over the last few years, mold and mildew has risen to an extent that it is one of the most dreaded toxins people face every other day. According to reports from researchers, asthma has increased by over 300% over the last twenty years and the leading causative agent being the mold. It is important that […]
How To Handle Mold Removal In Households With Individuals That Have Low Immunity
In most instances, the presence of mold in a home causes only physical discomfort. For instance, you may notice that the home or part of it has a musty smell, and that the mold does not otherwise cause any problems. However, there are times when the problem can turn out to be much worse. This […]
Get Rid Of Mold-Related Air Quality Degradation Using These Steps!
The presence of mold in a home normally has an effect on the quality of air in it. This is why the term ‘moldy’ was devised as a means of describing the stuffy smell that is usually associated with the presence of longstanding mold. If you are a homeowner, you may want to find ways […]
Getting A Mold Removal Contractor In Toronto: What Can You Expect?
The presence of mold in a home can have negative consequences on the quality of life within that home. For instance, there are some species of black mold that are usually highly virulent and will cause severe respiratory disease. In addition to that, some molds tend to have a weird smell that can be repulsive […]
Did You Know That Mold Allergies Can Cause Severe Baldness?
Mould allergies can result in various problematic symptoms such s drowsiness, chronic fatigue, as well as respiratory discomforts. However, one of the most outstanding effects of mold allergies is unregulated hair loss. Fact is, if you are allergic to mould, then you stand a great risk of becoming bald due to hair loss caused by […]
Tips To Prevent And Remove Stubborn Mold In The Home
Toxic mold are usually referred to as the types of molds that are deadly to human beings. Although most people tend to believe that there is just one type of mold, there are at least more than a hundred species of molds, some of which are harmless to human beings. Mould can grow on virtually […]